Monday, November 25

Have You Lost Your 'Voice?'

Had a bad cold and lost my voice for a full week. 

That has never happened before!

It was just a cold, as usual. But no running nose, my voice just disappeared for no reason. I did everything one would normally do but without success.

So in order not to strain the (lack) of voice further, my responses to calls were texts saying, 'unable to speak, please text!' If emails were a voice, my signature would have included 'forgive the silence, voice gone!' It was not a funny experience.

I learnt two things during the course of this business; first, I understood what a really horrible thing it is not to have your voice; you get even more frustrated with your inability to speak, the only person who understood this and avoided speaking with me was my boss. Everyone else still wanted me to explain how I lost the voice. It got so bad that I seriously considered putting a sign on my forehead that said ‘DO NOT TALK TO ME PLEASE.’ 

The second thing I learnt was that it is okay to not be your usual self sometimes. I had an outing with friends that I really didn't want to miss. We had  3 hours of memorable  fun without me 'voicing' a word and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't feel out of place; but they were vocal enough about the many reasons why I could have lost my voice - trying  to provoke me to yell but it didn't work. It felt great to listen and enjoy others talk, and to smile and laugh at their jokes, completely confident that because I lacked something for the moment does not make me any less of a person, or any less special.

So, it may be your voice, but then again, it may not...whatever it is, depending on how to you look at it, it is just for a 'moment' and does not necessarily have to define the real you.

Be free oh.


  1. Only for a moment.......

    Being Free is so freeing.......

    Trust you are 'voice' full now oh!

  2. Oops!!! that was fast! I was just clicking on your bog to read that paraphrasing thingy when this popped m'en vais quandmeme!
    Am free ooh...the voice returned!

  3. As I read am just imagining u in all that outings not talking, is not funny @all, loosing ur voice can be frostraing, thank God u ar better now.


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