People! I am publishing through a mobile phone for the first time; hence I crave your indulgence in advance if the presentation of this blog (note I didn't say grammar), is less than excellent!
Its after 1am this Monday morning and I cannot sleep.
I am not 'actively' worrying though I have my very many issues (they say I don't look it, which is good).
I just want to randomly muse here and tell you some of the things I have been up to...we had an awesome Women's Breakfast meeting on Saturday morning despite the heavy downpour that flooded the streets of Lagos. That I had to drive through the 'sea' really broke my heart, it hurt me badly (sad).
Sunday: I didn't go to Church, for a very simple reason, which I refuse to even be guilty about, but I spent the whole day either reading, or randomly watching The Mentalist (that Jane Patrick's wardrobe leaves so much to be desired! So much! Jeez). Anyway, I read a couple of blogs, subscribed to one or two, started to follow a few more people on twitter, read a book... But the theme of everything I read is the call to 'do something'. 'Brighten the Corner where you are!' And I felt, more than ever before that with all that is going on around us today, we must never be guilty of living the ordinary life! Someone once said that we 'dare not die, having accomplished nothing!' Steve Job, world changer, sleeps at age 56! I guarantee you his head was still full of a lot more of Apple stuff but alas!
So, as I lie awake this morning, having already 'wondered and pondered on my Face Book page, and tweeted more random thoughts (a lot of 'randoms' tonight wouldn't you say??), I am resolved (again) to 'up and do something.'
I hope you take a leaf out of my book. Some of you reading my blog should start one of their own, you have so much to offer...your comments are so passionate and full of ideas..showcase your talents and gifts, feed the poor, clothe the naked, help the needy, pray and...don't forget:
Be free oh.
PS/Am beginning to think we have overflooged this issue of 'doing something' mais, comme les gens sont si tetus et refusent carrement de faire rien!! Yeah yeah, figure it out! :-)
You know...what i think about this call and 'word of the moment' to step out and do something is that we've come to a point where God just needs us to step up to the plate and FULFILL the purpose He created us for. To bring His Kingdom dominion and execute His will on earth. It's never a coincidence that everything is pointing in the same direction. It's now left to us to not be 'tetus et refusent carrement de faire rien!!'
ReplyDeleteSo help us dear God.
Zee your blog says to me start living just just exsist and dont be 'stubborn and simply refuse to do anything!' like Bee said