Friends. It is Friday. But what difference does it make sef? For me, it only seem that the days roll into one another with the speed of lightening, no sooner are my eyes open than its dark again, time to sleep...
Well, I was happy to open my eyes to the dawn today. I am sincerely grateful for the gift of life.
The highlight of my day is the prayer we shall be hosting for Jos, specifically, this evening, 7-9pm at This Present House. This is hosted by The Bliss Group.
I once said to a friend, this revelation I had, that we have no other solution to proffer - other than prayer and God oh. And no matter how hurt we feel about God, no matter how badly we think He has treated/is treating us, it is to Him we run. My perfect analogy is this: imagine a little child being beaten by his mother, instead of running away, the child clutches the mother's skirt/wrapper harder, trying to disappear between her legs while still wailing. Didn't Job say' 'though He slay me, I will yet trust in Him?' Didn't David say 'why have you hidden Your face??'
We dont understand but we must trust. So off to pray and cry and wail for Jos and for Nigeria in general. And I am spotting white and green (solidarity) ensemble on jeans. In case you dont know it yet, I am proudly Nigerian; no matter how bad it gets, I dont see myself anywhere else. We pray it gets better...the Lord is on the throne. Dont get so disillusioned and shall be well!
I hope you enjoy and meditate on Zouzou's Pic of the Mo...
Be (o yeah!) free oh.
PS/Yes yes and yes!!! I didnt forget the interesting blog I promised! I know people who are waiting with bated breath...wait for it.
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