Tuesday, April 15

We Weep Again...

It starts from the little things.

The killings and bombings and terrible evil happening in Nigeria today (I do not want to talk about the world!) did not just start over night, a myriad of issues culminated into this religious, ethnic and political divide that we see and experience. We talk about unity but no one really wants to unite; we each want to exist, separate from our neighbour; we prefer to be insular as a people, a church, an organization, even the government! How is that possible when we have such a great and diverse culture? How can we not want to be our neighbour’s keeper? How did we become so self-involved?

When did we get to the point where what happens to the other person is not our business? How can we walk past when our neighbour is being threatened? Since when did it become normal to kill people, and children and babies, and we read about it and move on; business as usual? When did we become this stone-hearted people who no longer feel?  And even if or when we do, we do nothing but "condemn in strong terms?" Except for those who were born in the last few decades, this was not the sort of world we grew up in! And how is it we never passed on the togetherness, closeness, village-raising-the child spirit to the next generation? Why is it we have left the soul and the future of our country in the hands of people who do not, in the first instance, have our interests at heart? How is it that we complain bitterly and cry, and yet commit the same mistakes come the next election? How is it we are like fans outside the football field, experts at how the ball should be maneuvered?? If you could do better why are you outside the field??

People say only a revolution will cleanse this nation, my question is: are you ready to lead it? Talk is so cheap. The operative word in what is happening in our nation today is selfishness. No one wants to be responsible for the other person, or to put the other person first. Those in government do not feel that they are leading a people whose interests should be their daily preoccupation, no! They are in government for personal gain.

And for those of us who sit pretty in our comfortable homes, our states and our offices thinking that these things are far removed from us...hmmm...what goes round comes round. This is a together fight, don’t be found outside the fray; jump in, and in whatever form you can!

I wish our friends and families and colleagues and neighbours who died in the Nyanya blast could trust that we who remain would fight against the evil that befell them...but alas!! Alas!! Our attention will soon be taken away by something else. Give it a day or two. We cannot live like this. We CANT.

Be Free oh!

(Yes, I resurrected myself!)

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