Friday, December 16

Tree by the River

This is one of those blogs that I DID NOT plan o!

I woke up jeje to read my holy book and stumbled into this part where I have read times without number over the years, I must also say that I was NOT thinking along the lines (this morning or before I went to bed) of where it took me, it goes to prove then, that this thing about business or the work of our hands, needs to be re-visited, re-vamped, or ‘re- plain do something about!

Let’s go there…Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Believe it or not, I had to Google ‘tree,’ and ‘root’ to get a better grasp of all the thoughts that were streaming, rather furiously, through my mind, I couldn’t write fast enough so I started to voice record… questions like ‘where are you (your business) planted?’ 'What is your vision/mission statement?' 'Why are you doing what you are doing?' 'What is your source?' 'What are your values?' 'On what stands your feet?’ were running through my mind.

Is it possible that things, our businesses do not prosper because we are planted elsewhere other than By The River? If yes, what do we even consider to be our ‘river?’ That is first a problem, which, if not properly addressed, culminates into the ‘root’ not spreading  towards the stream. I understand that roots do 4 things: absorbs water, anchors the plant body to the ground, stores food and nutrient and prevents erosion!  So clear and so self-explanatory. Your ideas, plans, creativity, strategies...these are the roots of the business. On what are these founded? Are they really working like the root is supposed to? If this is well balanced, if we get them right, market survey, dynamics of the market, projections, economic situation etc, will not matter, why, because being in the right place gives (tacit) access to ‘inside information’. I recall Isaac (for some reason)…only a mad man (or well, someone who knows something no one else does) will continue to plant during a famine, but hey, he got a 100% returns on his ‘madness!’ Gbam. I say he had access to inside info. #Selah

And as you (re)-position your business ideas and strategies, you will not ‘see’ heat come. The pressure will glide off your back like water off the duck  because you have already passed that stage! You are not worried about the period when everyone is depressed because ‘there is no market’…think of it, is it possible that there is no market for anything at any point?? Is it? I am not sure. Didn’t people make it during the stock market crash? Some people hit gold where others hit the bottom, wrecked. And difficult as it may be,  yours can only always be green and fresh, you never stop producing, you product remains relevant, at all times, you never lack an idea, and because you are the one producing that particular product, (do I sense a rhyme in there? Lol) there is always a ready market for it.

So, I am thinking a trip back to the drawing board is in perfect order a this point. That soup business, cake business, fabric business, gifts business, water business, gold business and all other  n’importe quoi business is in need of being re-vamped!  Vision and mission statement needs to be reviewed! #PlantByTheRiver o!
This blog has to be for someone because I cannot say how I landed here, and if I may say so myself, coming so quickly on the heel of previous post ‘Announce Yourself?’ A coincidence?? I say divine orchestration. Biko!

Oh. By the way; trust me, you do not  want to consider vs. 6 of this chapter, it is just as graphic…in the negative!

Take a cue, be like the tree jor!


1 comment:

  1. You can really increase your business by presenting the people some gifts which will be valuable for them, so that whenever they see the gift given by you, will remember you... You can easily spread your business with this strategy...


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